The Psychology of Horsemanship Book by Claire Lilley

The Psychology of Horsemanship Book by Claire Lilley

Gaining insight from my own real-life experience, I look at the relationship between the horse and their human partner, and how it impacts on both mental and physical development. This book aims to help horse owners, riders, coaches and therapists alike, exploring how both can benefit from a depth of understanding with each other, with a focus on how fear affects riders and horses. My hope is this book unravels some of the intricacies of the human/horse bond.

My experience as a riding coach for over 40 years informs my practice as a psychotherapist (Claire Ballardie MBACP), working with all aspects life, and the trauma associated with impactful life experiences. I keep my 3 horses at home, a great benefit to spending time with them. I still ride, and the horses assist me in therapy sessions, should they choose to!

How I work with my horses in therapy

Price £18.99 plus P&P

Buy The Psychology of Horsemanship by Claire Lilley: 

from Crowood Press

on the Paypal link below:

Or contact me to pay by bank transfer.



Claire Lilley Interview The Psychology of Horsemanship

Out-take Claire Lilley talking about her latest book


Winter Webinars with Claire Lilley

claire lilley books and DVDs

Cosy up to your computer for this series of Winter Webinars, awarded one CPD point each by The British Horse Society 

Riding Without Fear: The Psychology of Horsemanship (On-line webinar)  

BHS CPD POINT allocated for this webinar

7pm Monday 27th November 2023

Riding is a risky sport, with riders being prone to accidents and injuries. Such traumatic events affect  your confidence. This webinar aims to help you to understand how fears of riding affect the relationship with the horse. You may be fearful yourself, or coaching riders who may be finding things difficult.

This hour long webinar is run on Zoom, enabling live participation and discussion. A link to join will be sent by email on receipt of payment. Price £10 per person.

Please contact me for more details and to book your place. Or phone/text/ Whatsapp 07710 420357. 

Alternatively, use the Paypal link below:


This live webinar with me includes:

  • Printable handout
  • Live interaction
  • Presentation slides
  • Summary and learning
  • Access to recorded session for 7 days after the event. (The live event is not recorded, for your privacy)

This webinar covers;

  • Equine Psychology (Understanding the horse)

    The Psychology of Horsemanship by Claire Lilley

The horse’s senses, primary responses and emotion

  •  Training Psychology (Understanding yourself)

The rider’s fears and how they impact on the horse.

  • Relational Psychology (Understanding the partnership)

The goals, the development and the challenges faced in successful horsemanship



The Scales of Training (on-line Webinars) 

BHS CPD POINTs allocated for these webinars

Part One: 7pm Monday 11th December 2023

(Rhythm, Suppleness, Contact) 

Part Two: 7pm Monday 15th January 2024

(Impulsion, Straightness, Collection)

These hour long webinars are run on Zoom, enabling live participation and discussion. A link to join will be sent by email on receipt of payment. Price £10 per person per session.

Please contact me for more details and to book your place. Or phone/text/ Whatsapp 07710 420357. 

Alternatively, you can use the Paypal button below:

Scales of Training Webinar


Each live webinar with me includes:

  • Printable handout
  • Live interaction
  • Presentation slides
  • Summary and learning
  • Access to pre-recorded session for 7 days after the event. (The live event is not recorded, for your privacy)

Join me,  for these two webinars, where we will take a detailed look at the so-important scales of training:

Rhythm, Suppleness, Contact, Impulsion, Straightness, Collection


The Scales of Training
The Scales of Training refer to the basic schooling of every horse whether the rider wishes to concentrate on dressage, jumping or eventing and are essential to any horse’s physical and mental development, at all levels from novice upwards.
Further details can be found in the accompanying