The Fundamentals of Dressage Webinar

stop go turn

The Fundamentals of Dressage (On-line Webinar)


Whatever level you ride at, or level of rider you are coaching, whichever discipline, it is so important to perfect the basics to get the very best from the horse. The more advanced horse and rider are, the better their technique should be!

Time spent perfecting the basics with our horses may sound simple, but it is by no means easy! Find out how to put the ‘FUN into fundamentals‘ more by joining me on this enlightening webinar.

You can book on the link below.This hour long webinar is run on Zoom, enabling live participation and discussion. A link to join will be sent by email on receipt of payment. Price £10 per person.

This live webinar with me includes:

  • Printable handout
  • Live interaction
  • Presentation slides
  • Summary and learning
  • Access to pre-recorded session for 7 days after the event. (The live event is not recorded, for your privacy)
All three parts to this webinar, Stop, Go and Turn, are vital for a dressage test or a show jumping course, for example, and to enable you to produce imaginative schooling sessions :


STOP  examines the application of the halt and half halt, and the effect of the horse ‘taking weight behind’.

GO  works in conjunction with stop aids in transitions, and regulating tempo and rhythm. It explores forwardness and lengthening the horse’s strides.

TURN takes a detailed look flexion and bend, and positioning the horse for circles and lateral work.


Further details can be found in the accompanying Stop, Go, Turn book and DVD



Long-reining and in-hand work: summer exercise

Too hot to ride? Long-reining and in-hand work require minimum equipment, and can be done in walk as summer exercise. You can dress cooly, but be sure to wear stout shoes and gloves! (A hard hat too is recommended.)

Schooling your horse from the ground calmly in walk gives you time to assess his way of going. It also gives you time to improve your body language and application of your aids, to make sure he/she understands what is required.

For more details, please see my book and accompanying DVD, Lungeing, Long-reining and in-hand schooling. 


lungeing book an ddvd
Lungeing, Long-reining and In-hand work book and Lungeing DVD



Warminster Saddle Club Groundwork with Claire Lilley

Claire Lilley Unmounted Workshop

Warminster Saddle Club

11-1pm Sunday 24th October 2021

A great opportunity to learn more about Lungeing and In-hand Training in Wiltshire at Warminster Saddle Club


  • How to school your horse from the ground, starting with basic techniques in a fun and informative ‘hands on’ session (no horses required!).
  • Working with volunteer ponies and some willing participants, an opportunity to ‘have a go’ at lungeing with Claire’s help.
  • A mini-demo with Claire and one of her horses to show how ground work benefits the relationship between horse and rider.

There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions about this fascinating subject!

Price £15 per person. Please let us know if you would like to be on the list of  ‘lungeing with a horse’ participants*.

Please contact Claire Lilley directly to book your place.


Mobile: 07710 420357

You can purchase your ticket(s) here:


* Any one participating with a horse needs to be over 16 years of age and will be required to wear protective foot and head wear, and gloves and will be required to sign a disclaimer.

Claire Lilley Clinics

I am taking bookings again for clinics in the UK, so do contact me if you would like me to come to your yard or venue of your choice.

I teach all levels, including ridden, lungeing and in-hand work, specialising on the relationship between horse and rider, building trust and confidence.


Just drop me an email with your requirements, and I can work out the details with you.

